Austrian Airlines new 737-800

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The City of Lights

After the first day of the air show my dad and I got our first chance to explore what is considered one of the most romantic cities in the world.  Thank god I got to do this with my dad.  At first we just walked around the city with no apparent goal.  Here are some pictures that we took of Paris.

This picture above shows some of the architecture of Paris.  It also shows how prominent the Eiffel Tower is. Also something that I didn't know before my dad brought it up is that buildings around the Eiffel Tower cannot be above a certain height so that this view is not restricted.  Personally I think this is a great idea as it allows France to display one of its most prominent icons to tourists no matter where they are looking from.  

This was looking up into the middle of the tower.  I was really excited when I took this picture because it is when you are standing in the middle of this magnificent structure that the full scope and awe comes in to play.
This is a picture of the elevators that take you up the legs of the tower.  The tract goes up and then tilts an even steeper angle.  It was a little discomforting going up the elevator because without warning the floor tilts and you accidentally bump into people which poses a problem in itself.  I didn't know whether to apologize in English or what the proper thing to say was so I just kind of murmured an apology.

Thats all for today.  In the next post I will continue with day two of the air show and maybe some more pictures of Paris.



  1. Amazing photography. How is paris? Like whats the atmosphere and people like? Is it true that they really hate American tourists. Because personally we are probly preatty annoying. By far my favorite place ive visited believe it or not is Charleston South Carolina its amazing there and im actually looking to go to the Citadel military college there. Another would be Edinburough Scotland. Whats ur two favorite?

  2. My two favorite places would have to be Dubai and Zurich. (Both will be covered in my blog as the trip report progresses). And yes I would have to say that it is true that they hate Americans. Luckily me and my dad do not look like the typical "American" and my dad speaks limited French which further took away from any hatred that might have been portrayed against us. Thanks for the compliments on my photography by the way.

