Burj Al Arab
This is the worlds only six star hotel. My dad and I knew that if we were gonna be half way around the world we might as well try as hard as we could to get into this hotel for lunch or dinner. Above is a picture of me frowning in front of one of the most spectacular buildings. The cool thing about the beach behind me is that the sand is cooled by pipes running along underneath.
My dad and I decided that we would eat lunch at the top of the Burj hoping that the sky would clear up so that we would have a view of the Gulf. Walking into the Burj was like walking into a palace, the colors were fantastic and the intricate details were astounding. Just take a look at these pictures.
Fountains at the Entrance
These are the balconies going up the walls and in the middle is the atrium. The colors get warmer and warmer as they reach to the top of the building.
This is a picture of the view from the top. This is looking down on the beach where I have the first picture from.
This is a picture of the restaurant. This is also an illegal picture as photography was not allowed.
Ski Dubai
This is one of the most marvelous creations that I have ever been inside. This monstrosity rises from the Mall of the Emirates, glinting in the burning sun that shines down on the desert. In the picture you can see that it is the giant silver thing. Once inside it is like a ski resort. They have state of the art equipment and machines that make moving around on your ski's very easy.
As bad as this may sound, one of the funniest things that I remember from this trip to Ski Dubai is how bad the native people are at skiing. I would assume it comes from the fact that the nearest place with weather below 100 is a plane ride away. As I was going up the ski lift it was quite amusing to watch the Arabs fall down the ski slope often loosing ski's in the process. 
These are pictures from the midpoint looking up and down the ski slope.
And now its off to bed.