Austrian Airlines new 737-800

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Downtown Zurich and the Airport

Today Domingo, my dad, and I went into Zurich to experience the city.  Our friend Domingo lives in Zurich and he works for a bank (what else do you do in Switzerland).  His job requires that he travels a lot which is what has allowed him to reach the Executive Platinum on American Airlines.  He has almost flown three million miles which is a goal of mine, whether in the cockpit or as a passenger.
Here is a picture of me and Domingo standing with Lake Zurich in the background.  (Yes I realize my eyes are closed.)

After we spent time walking around Zurich and seeing all of the things one would not normally see in a city stateside, we went to the Zurich Airport.  I find this airport to be fantastic for watching planes.  You are allowed to go on top of the terminal buildings and watch planes take off and land.  While this may not appeal to some, I could spend hours watching planes.  I'll let the pictures do the talking.

Singapore Airlines 777-300ER

Thai Airways A340-600 (Longest plane in the world)

Singapore Airlines plane taking off for a long flight to Singapore. 

Thai Airways beginning to rotate. 
Thai Airways fighting for altitude on its way to Bangkok.  
As you could see it was a very rainy in Zurich, but it did not put me off to the city whatsoever.  I loved the countryside where Domingo lives and being able to look around and see the Swiss Alps is just amazing.  

The next evening we were to get on our plane to Dubai. So here is a picture of our plane that would take us to Dubai and then I will pick up with that tomorrow.  


1 comment:

  1. Your blog is really different. I love to travel but I'm always way too broke. I've been to texas and aruba and other places but I wish I could travel 24/7.
