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Austrian Airlines new 737-800
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Running through airports somehow became the theme of my life.
As the TSA finished fondling my things and poking and prodding me with there wand my dad was just beginning to get his dose of extra screening and so he had me, you guessed it, run through San Francisco airport after a plane that was set to leave in about 60 seconds. Thankfully we were as far away from the gate as one could possibly be, so, as I'm sprinting down the concourse in my wrinkled suit (when flying standby you have to be dressed up) and my disheveled hair I'm thinking to myself, wow, I have to got to look insane to all these travelers . When I got to the counter, wiping sleep out of my eyes, I began to give my spiel about how I was a stand-by passenger and I wanted to know if I would be able to catch a seat on this flight my attention was directed towards the window where a Boeing 767-300 was just being pushed back from the gate. I must have given the gate attendant the most mournful look because she came out from behind the counter and said don't worry son (I was like 14 at the time) there is another flight leaving in 30 minutes. Sure enough one of the flights to Denver from SFO was delayed and so we would still have a chance to make it to our beds that night. I walked over to that gate agent, gave my spiel, and procured two seats just as my dad came strolling up and I guess he didn't know that this was a second flight because he asked me what was wrong. After I explained to him that I had run to the gate just in time to watch the plane pull away we just smiled at each other knowing that it had to happen sometime and we were glad it decided to happen in the states.
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I have never flown stand-by, but I have had flights delayed making it hard to catch connection flights. When my family went to Hawaii a few summers ago our flight to San Francisco had been delayed forcing us to sprint to our connecting flight to Hawaii. Good thing we have never missed a flight yet, but we have come in close calls numerous times, not just in the states but in Europe as well. When traveling to other countries it never is easy because its hard to communicate with most of the other people from the area. When I was in Denmark this summer we almost missed out Cruise because we were unable to find the port. Usually people that live near a port would know where it is. It was a disaster and after finally finding it right before it set sail, someone told us they dont call it a port they call it a harbor!